The SAPA Foundation collects, documents, archives and promotes works in the field of the performing arts (dance, theatre, performance) that have been produced in Switzerland, are related to Switzerland or are significant for Switzerland. All these documents form the Helvetica of the Performing Arts.
Three entities merged into two, and eventually consolidated into one: ASD,, STS, CSD/STA evolved into SAPA. The SAPA Foundation, known as the Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts (Schweizer Archiv der Darstellenden Künste/Collection Suisse de la danse), emerged in 2017 through the fusion of the Swiss Dance Archive/Collection Suisse de la danse and the Swiss Theatre Collection. This foundation can trace its roots back to a longstanding tradition of collecting.
The Swiss Theatre Collection originated from the Swiss Society for Theatre Culture (SGTK), established in 1927. Its primary objective was not only to accumulate national and international theatre literature but also to gather visual materials and theatre building models. These artifacts were later made accessible to the public in a museum. While current goals may differ, remnants of this earlier collecting activity persist.
In 1993, Jean Pierre Pastori, a dance researcher and journalist, took the initiative in Lausanne to preserve the rich choreographic tradition around Lake Geneva. The iconic costume of Flore Revalles, the star of the Ballets Russes, swiftly became a highlight of the Archives Suisse de la danse.
Wolfgang Brunner in Zurich demonstrated a keen awareness that times and collections evolve. In collaboration with Eva Richterich, he founded mediathek in 2005 for the enduring archival of audiovisual recordings of dance productions.
Recognizing the benefits of a collaboration between East and West, the foundation stone for the Swiss Dance Archive/Collection Suisse de la Danse was laid in 2011.
The example caught on – with the merger of STA and STS, a new entity was created. Thanks to the different collection profiles of the predecessor institutions, the archive holdings complement each other, encompassing the performing arts from all of Switzerland and across all disciplines. SAPA has been diverse and multilingual since 2017
In 2017, the SAPA Foundation emerged from the fusion between the Swiss Dance Archive and the Swiss Theatre Collection, after five years the fusion process is complete. Time to take stock and develop a strategy for the coming years.
The main concern remains the preservation of the cultural heritage of the performing arts in all its facets, and this in the age of digital change. SAPA appeals to the willingness of the public sector as well as private sponsors to support these developments and advocates for increased cooperation between the archival institutions.
Board of Trustees
As the supreme body of the SAPA Foundation, the Board of Trustees, ensures that the Foundation pursues and achieves its goals.
The Board of Trustees is the strategic executive body of the Foundation and delegates overall operational management to the Director. The Board of Trustees is elected for a term of three years, with the possibility of re-election for two further terms. The Board of Trustees is composed of specialists in the fields in which the SAPA Foundation operates. This particularly relates to the following fields: archives and special collections, information technology, research and outreach, and communication.
Jacques Cordonier, President
former Head of Service Centre for Culture of Canton Valais
Adrian Balmer
Commercial Director Lucerne Theatre
Alain Dubois
Cantonal Archivist, State Archives Valais
Paola Gilardi
Journalist and Publicist, Co-President Swiss Society of Theatre Arts SGTK
Stefan Länzlinger
Head of Archiving Department, Swiss Social Archives
Léonore Porchet
Politician, art historian
Prof. Dr. Christina Thurner
Professor of Dance Studies, Institute of Theatre Studies, University of Bern
Cyril Tissot
Cultural consultant
Thomas Tribolet
Responsibility for the three SAPA offices and their 20 qualified employees is held by the Director, Beate Schlichenmaier.
The team comprises a total of 10 full-time equivalents.
They are supported by temporary employees as well as a pool of volunteers who provide their valuable expertise in specialised areas free of charge.
In terms of training, SAPA offers internships for budding information and documentation specialists, as well as other sector-related internship opportunities by arrangement.
SAPA also advocates professional and social integration and is a partner in the following institutions:
Benevol Bern
Diaconis Berner Stellennetz
HEKS Visite Zürich-Schaffhausen
Kompetenzzentrum Arbeit
SintegrA Zürich
Stellennetz, Fachstelle für Arbeitsintegration Zürich

Beate Schlichenmaier
Céline Bösch
Co-Head Archiving, Documentation, Library, LAUSANNE
PD Dr. Heidy Greco
Head Outreach and Scholarly Services, Scholarly Networks and Research, BERN
Urs Kaiser
Co-Head Archiving, Documentation, Library, BERN
Katrin Oettli
Head Conservation, Digitisation, ZURICH
Peggy Tschirren
Head Administration, Human Resources BERN
Baptiste de Coulon
Head Online Platform, Data Archivist, BERN
Angelika Ächter
Oral history specialist, Promoting, ZURICH
Andri Beyeler
I+D specialist, BERN
Manuela Casari
Communications, Fundraising, ZURICH
Fiona Daniel
Archiving team member, LAUSANNE
Beatrice Diel
Archiving specialist, ZURICH
Andrea Ehrat
Video conservation specialist, ZURICH
Géraldine Feller
Conservation, Long-term Archiving specialist, ZURICH
Simona Generelli
I+D specialist, BERN
Agnès Küpfer
I+D Archiving specialist, LAUSANNE
Silvia Neukomm
Library specialist, BERN
Hans Oppliger
Association of Swiss Amateur Theatre team member, BERN
Dr. Ursula Pellaton
Subject expert, ZURICH
Héloïse Pocry
Documentation & Library specialist, LAUSANNE
Alina Weber
Accounting/Administration team member, LAUSANNE
Julia Wehren (mandated)
Scholarly team member, ZURICH
Bernard Amsler
Radmila Brunner
Martin Dreier
Roland Grimm
Catherine Maïkoff
Hans Oppliger
Dr. Ursula Pellaton
Christian Schneeberger
Brigitte Schrade
Regula von Greyerz
Katia Weber
SAPA Foundation, Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts
Schanzenstrasse 15
PO Box
3001 Bern
031 301 52 52
Phone enquiries:
Tuesday to Friday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Opening hours:
Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
13:00 am – 4:00 pm
Open every 1st Saturday of the month from 12 a.m. to 4 p.m.
There is a public guided tour at 2 pm (approx. 1 hour).
Avenue Villamont 4
1005 Lausanne
021 323 77 48
Phone enquiries:
Tuesday to Thursday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Opening hours:
Wednesday and Thursday
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Limmatstrasse 265
8005 Zurich
043 205 29 02
Phone enquiries:
Monday to Thursday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Opening hours:
Tuesday and Thursday
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
SAPA thanks its supporters and collaboration partners:
SAPA engages in active exchange with national and international institutions dedicated to cultural heritage:
Berner Fachhochschule
Centre de Formation Professionnelle Arts Appliqués Genève
Hochschule der Künste Bern
Institute for the Performing Arts and Film ipf ZHdK
Institut für Theaterwissenschaften Universität Bern
Manufacture – Haute école des arts de la scène
MAS Dance / Performing Art Universität Bern
Tanzakademie Zürich der ZHdK
ZTTS Zürich Tanz-Theater-Schule
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Archives de la Ville de Lausanne
Bibliothèque nationale suisse
BIS Bibliothèque Information Suisse
ETH Zürich
Medien- und Informationszentrum der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Museen Bern
Phonothèque nationale suisse
Société suisse du théâtre
Staatsarchiv des Kantons Zürich
Universitätsbibliothek UB
VMS – Verband der Museen der Schweiz
VSA – Verein Schweizerischer Archivarinnen und Archivare
Centre national de la danse
Dance Collection of the New York Public Library
Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln
Fachinformationsdienst für darstellende Kunst
Tanzarchiv Leipzig
SAPA Foundation, Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts
SAPA Foundation, Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts
Schanzenstrasse 15
PO Box
3001 Bern
031 301 52 52
Phone enquiries:
Tuesday to Friday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Opening hours:
Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Open every 1st Saturday of the month from 12 a.m. t0 4 p.m.
There is a public guided tour at 2 pm (approx. 1 hour).
Contact form
SAPA Foundation, Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts
Avenue Villamont 4
1005 Lausanne
021 323 77 48
Opening hours:
Phone enquiries:
Tuesday and Thursday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Opening hours:
Wednesday and Thursday
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Contact form
SAPA Foundation, Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts
Limmatstrasse 265
8005 Zurich
043 205 29 02
Opening hours:
Phone enquiries:
Monday to Thursday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Opening hours:
Tuesday and Thursday
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Contact form